You know when you hear people talk about going on a detox? And your first thought is like OH MY GOSH THEY ARE FREAKIN CRAZY! Some drinking only water all day long, others drinking cayenne pepper, lemon juice and maple syrup, others taking ice cold hot cold showers in 5 min intervals, back and forth and then also 3 times a day!?... These are all things I have heard of people doing. ... so I’m like ohmygosh they are crazy! Not saying that is bad more power to you whatever it is you need to do to get healthy! and I know some people think I am crazy because I don't eat meat or because I’m vegan, but I would not could not ever do a crazy hardcore detox like the ones mentioned above. I LOVE FOOD, so much that I eat all day long everyday, which is good since I eat only healthy food, right? WRONG in the past few months since I started working in and out of health food stores, whole foods to be more specific, and I discovered VEGAN JUNK FOOD!? What became my new worst best friend. They had food I had only dreamed about; marshmallows, pudding, brownies, cookies, ice cream, you name it! I never even ate that much of that stuff even when I consumed dairy! I’ve always been more of a steamed bowl of broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts over a bowl of ice cream kinda girl. And perhaps it was vegfest? That introduced me to so many tasty vegan sweets, but anyways I want to go back to the old ways of not daily chocolate, candy, sweets indulgences, but how do you break a longtime sugar, candy addicts craveings!? SUGAR!? Something I have struggled with my whole life, partially from growing up walking or biking distance from a ‘candy store’. I was hypoglycemic when I was younger and diabetes runs in my family, so its probably not that smart for consuming so much sugar and salt in my diet! Plus its not just about the way I eat, its about life in general, I need to sleep more, drink more water, slow down, exercise! So after a rocky month with a visit to the ER for my heart, and after seeing a doctor last Friday I am on a new mind track of aligning balancing and getting healthy! The doctor was amazing, she is also a naturopath and nutritionist and all her remedies she gave me were vegan because she knew I wouldn’t be down with the medicine approach. Its nice when I a doctor accommodates to your lifestyle instead of trying to push there own on you, in the past I have had doctors tell me “I need to eat meat”, bullshit I do. I am living proof you don’t NEED to eat animals, along with a lot of others out there ☺.
The timing of learning about Plate and Simple’s (@plateandsimple) vegan detox plan via twitter from @yourdailyvegan couldn’t have happened at a more perfect time in my life. This is exactly what I needed! Its not insane, you get to EAT FOOD! And my favorite foods veggies, fruits, hummus, grains, beans! YUM sign me up! Its just sensible, its about balancing your body not starving it, so if you drink coffee still drink it, 1-2 cups a day, because everything is good in moderation. If you are going to eat fruit combine it with eating grains or protein first to balance the natural sugars you are about to give your body. No Soy, that’s good because I eat way too much soy products and again EVERYTHING IS GOOD IN MODERATION ☺. NO Wheat, No Gluten, that’s ok too I have been way to hooked on dave’s killer bread lately (again vegfest/wholefoods) and vegan grilled cheese (we can’t say its cheese!) so my body could use a break, that much gluten isn’t good for your body! moderate remember ;) No Peanuts, also ok because I have been neglecting all the other seeds and nuts that are out there! Plus some other nuts and seeds offer amazing health benefits, flax, hemp, etc. and No Sugar (see above) and NO PROCESSED FOODS! I save so much money when I cook every meal in my kitchen from scratch! So saying a little goodbye to some of the processed vegan foods could do my body & budget good!. Seriously most sensible detox I have ever heard of you should check it out! to have my friends eat my vegan food took a long time then to have them go vegan that is extremely rare, Even if its just for 2 weeks it will be food for them! Nothing I have ever said has made any of my friends be like wow Monday I’m going vegan! but with just slightly mentioning this detox, everyone was jumping on the plateandsimple bandwagon! 2 of my best friends are doing it with me, 1 who is a flexitarian and 1 who was vegetarian back in the 90s. Then the flex’s sister who went vegan after reading skinny bitch is also obsessed with whole foods aka vegan junk food heaven and is also doing the detox! And then my friend who was tarian back in the 90’s her meat eating mother and 2 best friends also a meat eating couple are also doing the detox! So exciting! I would do it alone but it is nice to have the moral support in anything you do : )
Check out this VEGAN DETOX thanks to @plateandsimple !
YOU EAT as much as you want! You are balancing not starving! Its a vegan detox where you eat as much grains as you like except wheat, as much beans as you want except soy and as much nuts as you like but peanuts, eat veggies, fruits, oils, BUT NOT PROCESSED FOOD, no healthy junk food, no vegan earth balance butter or veggie hotdogs, etc... It is suppose to make you stop cravings! … WISH ME LUCK ; )
Veggie Love